ElderSpirit Community is a work in progress. May it always be!
Our Mission is: "To be a participatory community of mutual support in which all spiritual paths are respected and encouraged."
ElderSpirit Community was created over a 10 year period via a series of meetings, planning sessions and soul-searching, involving many of the people who are residents now or who remain involved today. Members were intimately involved in the development process; we planned and implemented our landscaping and we created the Policies and Procedures and the Bylaws which continue to evolve and by which we govern ourselves.
This is a unique intentional, mixed-income, participatory, co-housing community of elders, 55 and older. Recognizing that this is a time in our lives to explore and cultivate the spiritual aspects of our nature, we are committed to aging in community, with spirit. Living closely in community provides many opportunities for personal awareness, growth and social well-being.
Some members also remain active in church and volunteer activities in the wider Abingdon community including civic, cultural and artistic activities. Most members are retired and some work part time.