ElderSpirit has part time maintenance services, but much of the work is done by the members. We also have a Mutual  Support System where residents care for each other during illness or after surgery. And we have a number of spiritual and fun activities that help build Community. Please check at least ten things you would be able and willing to do if you lived here:

______ 1. Purchase supplies for the Common kitchen and bathrooms (to be reimbursed).

______ 2. Regularly water house plants in the Common House.

______ 3. Chair a Committee.

______ 4. Participate in weeding flower beds.

______ 5. Help on a cooking team.

______ 6. Help clean up after meals.

______ 7. Conduct evening prayer of your spiritual choice.

______ 8. Shovel snow.

______ 9. Do bookkeeping, serve as treasurer.

_____ 10. Keep the patio neat and water the plants.

_____ 11. Coordinate care for someone who becomes ill.

_____ 12. With others, plan a celebration.

_____ 13. Make beds and do laundry for the guest rooms.

_____ 14. Belong to a committee.

_____ 15. Be responsible for care of a room in the common areas.

_____ 16. Be responsible for a section of the grounds.

_____ 17. Lead a meeting.

_____ 18. Be secretary for a committee.

_____ 19. Help someone who is sick.

_____ 20. Attend monthly meetings.

_____ 21. Prepare a meal for someone who is ill.

_____ 22. Walk someone’s dog if they are unable.

_____ 23. Put up holiday decorations.

_____ 24. Participate in Spring Cleaning.

_____ 25. Go on field trips to local attractions and events.

_____ 26. Join the Book Club, Writing Memoirs, Game Night, etc.

_____ 27. Share your art, humor or talent at a Community program.

_____ 28. Lead or participate in an exercise group.

_____ 29. Provide transportation to someone in need.

_____ 30. Share your computer and technological skills.
If you come for an interview and conversation please bring a copy with your answers. This is not a sign up sheet. We suggest people take a few months to figure out how they can best contribute, but we do expect everyone to participate in the Community Life of ElderSpirit.
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